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Templot User Guide
An overview of Templot 3D exports
Experimental work is under way to create 3D-printed track direct from Templot files. Currently available for bullhead track using REA-pattern chairs.
Plug track
Plug track is suitable for all gauges and scales. Resin-printed chairs clip into sockets in the timbering base. There is an option to use a separate loose outer chair jaw, which makes the construction of complex formations more straightforward. The timbering base can be FDM (filament) printed, or laser-cut, or CNC-milled. More about plug track on the Bexhill West pages and videos.
COT track
COT track (integral Chairs On Timbers) is suitable for scales 7mm/ft and larger. A ready-to-use chaired timbering base is FDM-printed, into which the rails are inserted. Where rails cannot be easily threaded into position, the outer chair jaw is printed separately and can be glued in place after dropping the rail into position.
A fast FDM printer is recommended. No resin-printed parts are needed.