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Templot User Guide
Pre-set positions for the template fixing peg
All these peg positions are on the track centre-lines, with the exception of peg on FP and peg on TORG.
(The peg on user position will usually be on a track centre-line.)
the following CTRL+NUMBER shortcuts use the number keys on the main keyboard : |
peg positions : | details : |
CTRL-0 (zero) |
reset peg on datum |
Resets the fixing peg on the datum rail-end position, from which all
template dimensions are calculated.
For a turnout template with approach track, the datum position is at the outer end of the approach track. |
CTRL-1 | peg on rail-joint |
Sets the fixing peg at the toe stock-rail joint for turnouts, or the
joint end for plain track.
The stock-rail joint is normally located two plain sleeper spacings in front of the switch toe (blade tips). On some pre-group prototype companies only one sleeper is used, and on others these are wide timbers instead of plain sleepers. (These spacings can be set as part of acustom switch.) For a turnout template with approach track, the rail-joint position is at the inner end of the approach track. For a plain track template, the rail-joint position is at the opposite end of the template to the datum position, and all rail lengths and sleeper spacings originate from this end. For more information see the snap length functions. |
CTRL-2 | peg on TP | Sets the fixing peg at the switch Toe-Point (switch blade tips). Repeatedly selecting peg on TP toggles the peg alignment between the main road and the turnout road. |
- | peg on end of planing |
Sets the fixing peg in the turnout road at the end of the switch blade
planing. For semi-curved switches (e.g. REA switches)
this position marks the commencement of the switch radius,
and is marked across between the rails.
This peg position can be used when creating special-purpose custom switches. |
- | peg on switch heel |
Sets the fixing peg in the turnout road at the heel of the switch. This
position marks the commencement of the turnout radius, and
is marked across between the rails.
This peg position can be used with custom switches and for catch points. (This switch heel position may not correspond to the joints in the switch rails. See also thetrack > snap lengths > turnout > snap to catch points menu item, which does correspond to the joint in the switch stock rails.) |
CTRL-3 | peg on DP | Sets the fixing peg at the Deflection-Point (track centre-line intersection). Repeatedly selecting peg on DP toggles the peg alignment between the main road and the turnout road. |
- | peg on CESP | Sets the fixing peg in the turnout road at the Crossing Entry Straight
Point. This position marks the end of the turnout radius,
and is marked across between the rails.
This peg position is only available for turnouts withregular or parallel types of V-crossing. For curved and generic types of V-crossing, usepeg on TCP instead (see below). |
CTRL-4 | peg on FP | Sets the fixing peg at the Fine-Point of a V-crossing (the rail gauge-face
intersection point). Repeatedly selecting peg on FP toggles
the peg alignment between the main road and the turnout road.
The fine-point is a little way in front of the actual nose of the vee, which is blunted off to a width of 3/4" (scale) on bullhead track.
- | peg on TCP | Sets the fixing peg at the Turnout-side Crossing Point. This position
is on the turnout road centre-line in line with the fine-point.
For a generic type of V-crossing, this position marks the end of the turnout radius, and is marked across between the rails. |
CTRL-5 | peg on TXP | Sets the fixing peg at the Turnout-side crossover mid-point. This peg
position is determined by the current turnout-side adjacent track
centre-to-centre dimension (geometry > adjacent
centres... menu item).
This peg position is used when forming crossovers between running lines. |
CTRL-6 | peg on TVJP | Sets the fixing peg at the Turnout-side Vee Joint Position (vee splice-rail
This is the position normally used when adding further templates to the turnout road. See also the snap length functions. |
- | peg on TRP | Sets the fixing peg at the Turnout-side Return Point. This position is
only available for a parallel type of crossing, and is on the
turnout road centre-line at the end of the return
This position marks the end of the return curve radius, and is marked across between the rails. |
- | peg on MCP | Sets the fixing peg at the Main-side Crossing Point. This position is on the main road centre-line in line with the fine-point. |
CTRL-7 | peg on MXP | Sets the fixing peg at the Main-side crossover mid-point. This peg position
is determined by the current main-side adjacent track centre-to-centre dimension
(geometry > adjacent centres... menu
This peg position is used to maintain a running clearance over the turnout roads when turnouts are placed back to back in the main road. |
CTRL-8 | peg on MVJP | Sets the fixing peg at the Main-side Vee Joint Position (vee point-rail
This is the position normally used when adding further templates to the main road. See also the snap length functions. |
- | peg on MRP | Sets the fixing peg at the Main-side Return Point. This position is only available for a parallel type of crossing, and is on the main road centre-line opposite the end of the return curve. |
- | peg on mid-length |
Sets the fixing peg at exactly halfway along the overall length of the template. This position is intended mainly for use with plain track on turntable decks. |
CTRL-9 | peg on length | Sets the fixing peg at the end of the template length.
For a turnout, this position may be anywhere within the turnout, according to the current overall length setting (F4 mouse action). For a turnout template with exit track, thelength position is at the outer end of the exit track. If the turnout is set to length free, the overall length will be two exit sleepers beyond theCTRL-8MVJP position (see above). For plain track, this length position is the same as theCTRL-1rail-joint position. See also the snap length functions. |
- | peg on TORG | Sets the fixing peg at the Turnout radius Origin (radial centre). This
peg position is only available for straight turnouts having
a curved type of crossing.
This peg position is used with theF8rotate mouse action, to swing a template around the radial centre of the turnout road. |
- | peg on transition start |
Sets the fixing peg at the start of the transition zone. This peg position
is only available for templates which include atransition curve.
This peg position is often used with theF6curving mouse action, or when adjusting the transition settings. It can also be used with the tools > make split > make split at peg function, to divide a transition curve template into separate templates for the 1st radius section and the transition sections. |
- | peg on transition length |
Sets the fixing peg at the end of the transition zone. This peg position
is only available for templates which include atransition curve.
This peg position is often used with theF6curving mouse action, or when adjusting the transition settings. It can also be used with the tools > make split > make split at peg function, to divide a transition curve template into separate templates for the 2nd radius section and the transition sections. |
- | peg on adjacent track TS |
Sets the fixing peg at the datum position on the Turnout Side adjacent
track centre-line.
This peg position is determined by the current turnout-side adjacent track centre-to-centre dimension (geometry > adjacent centres... menu item). This peg position is useful when working with double track. |
- | peg on adjacent track MS |
Sets the fixing peg at the datum position on the Main Side adjacent track
This peg position is determined by the current main-side adjacent track centre-to-centre dimension (geometry > adjacent centres... menu item). This peg position is useful when working with sidings and loops alongside a running line. |
- | peg on user position |
Sets the fixing peg at your own user-defined pre-set position.
To set this position for subsequent use, move the peg to the required position (CTRL-F8 move peg mouse action) and then click the adjust > set peg options > set user position at peg menu item. |