This is an old revision of the document!
For model railway track builders
Templot is Martin's fun hobby project. It is free for everyone to use. (No account or card details are needed - do not be misled into clicking on advertising when downloading the program file.)
And Templot is now open-source code - everyone can be part of the ongoing developments.
Join the friendly Templot Club forum to keep up to date with the latest news.
Looking for 3D-printed track? Learn Templot track planning first, then scroll down here to section 8 to read about the experimental work taking place.
Templot Club forum Full Site Search Download Templot Open-source Code Files
Templot Info
Contents List
Click the blue links below to find information about Templot.
Pages linked in grey are not yet written. If you would like to help write them, please contact Martin for a login to this wiki. Thanks.
A-Z Index
Beginner Basics
0. guide for beginners
1. what is it?
2. yes, I build track
3. what am I looking at?
4. where do I start?
hand and curving
turnout size
make a crossover
basic track planning
more ...
Help Videos
About Templot
1. introduction
download Templot
2. getting started
making a start
on the trackpad
using the menus and dialogs
utterly baffled ?
3. the control template
peg positions
V-crossing types - regular or curviform
timber spacings - overview
knuckle bend radius
check rails and wing rails
6. track planning
basic working methods
peg & notch
transition curves
make new template
alignment tools
swell - CTRL+F10
make transition link
extend / shorten the control to meet
a simple track plan
7. background shapes and maps
maps and picture shapes
get a map from the web
improve map clarity
crop/combine function
8. 3D chairing and printing
Bexhill West pages and videos
exporting for CAD and 3D
omit webs at brick ends
9. output
your first printed template
output in diagram-mode
printing template pages
exporting PDF files
10. how to ...
create a run-round loop
create slips
create 3-way turnouts
3-way tandem turnouts
3-throw turnouts
create catch points
link between existing templates
make simple link
make transition link
get a map from the web
wrap a picture shape to a curve
fit second turnout close behind first
create inside half-scissors
getting started with a type 1 scissors